
Nature is reaching out to you...

Alone, with family or friends, choose the hiking route at your level...

The Risoul Rando Park is more than 10 thematic itineraries which will take you in turn to discover magical landscapes, extraordinary fauna and flora as well as an exceptional heritage.

Forest roads, trails, shady paths, challenging routes, family itineraries, everyone at their level can be amazed, all the viewpoints are accessible by chairlift or via the Risoul Rando Park hikes.

The top of Razis tempts you? But is the elevation too great? Follow our mini hike C!

From the famous belvedere de l'Homme de Pierre, to the prè du laus walk, Risoul offers you a wide choice of marked hikes from June 29, 2024 to July 31, 2024.

>> Download the Risoul Rando Park itinerary map
Also available at the Risoul 1850 Tourist Office



Before leaving

*I choose an itinerary adapted to my physical abilities
*I inquire about the weather
*I estimate the travel time in order to return before dark
*I bring documents and tools to locate myself (map, compass, etc.)
*I choose appropriate clothing: shoes, warm jacket, rain jacket
*I plan water and a small "snack"

On my way

The routes of the Risoul Rando Park borrow areas of pastoralism and protection of natural space:
*I take the marked trails so as not to disturb the tranquility of wildlife
*I keep the animals that accompany me on a leash
*I carefully close the barriers behind me
*I respect the ban on picking rare and protected flowers: Martagon lily, Queen of the Alps or Blue Thistle, Orange Lily, Edelweiss, Rhododendron, Gentian, Alpine Columbine, Guillestre Tulip
*I leave no traces of my passage, no waste and I do not make fires in nature
*I am careful and courteous when overtaking or crossing with other hikers or practitioners (mountain bike...)
*I know how to give up and go back down (by chairlift or by turning around) in the event of unfavorable climatic or physical conditions
*If I come across a Patou (herd protection dog) I adopt the right attitude.