Guil-e-bike - Location de vélos & Ecole VTT MCF du Queyras

Cabane de la Chaillole
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Looking for a VTTAE to rent? We've got it! Oops, a technical problem? we're here to fix it! Looking for an outing accompanied by a professional? Don't hesitate, our instructors can advise you!
GuileBike is a leading name in downhill mountain biking, electric mountain biking and gravel in the Guillestrois Queyras region.

As a bike store, bike rental and repair shop, mountain bike school and tour organizer, our team of guides and mechanics will ensure your experience is a success, whatever the type of bike, whatever your level, whatever the service you expect.

During the summer, you can take off with a guide for a day or half-day ride in one of the Guillestrois or Queyras valleys.
- In "Gravel" mode, on forest tracks for risk-free fun and scenic views.
- In "Enduro VTTAE" mode, on technical singles up and down the mountain!
- In "Gravity" or "Enduro" mode from the Abries bike park and the Gilly mountain nature area.
- In "Perfectionnement" mode, to progress on natural trails or at the Abries bike park.

Need equipment? Need to repair your bike?
GUIL-EBIKE has a wide range of bikes and accessories for sale and hire. They have 2 rental outlets, one in Eygliers in the Guillestrois region, the second in summer in Abriès, in the Queyras region.
Top-of-the-range semi-rigid or full-suspension electric mountain bikes, electric "Gravel" bikes for overcoming mountain passes, children's trailers, spare parts, new accessories... You'll find everything you need for your next cycling adventure!
Road, mountain & electric bike repairs available at any of our 2 rental outlets.


Guil-e-bike - Location de vélos & Ecole VTT MCF du Queyras
Cabane de la Chaillole
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 44.792431
Longitude : 6.927625